java MyGame MyGame
Some Ucigame methods are associated with specific built-in objects. They are invoked like this: objectname.methodname(parameters). An example is window.size(200, 300).
Some Ucigame methods are associated with classes; to use them you must first create an object of that class. In this example, the position() method is called using a Sprite object called sprite1:
sprite1 = makeSprite(getImage("images/sprite1.png", 0));
sprite1.position(10, 5);
Finally, some Ucigame methods are associated with the Ucigame class itself. Since your game class extends Ucigame, you can use these methods without an objectname. prefix. An example is the call to makeSprite() above.
The window object represents the entire window in which the game is played, and specifically the borders and frame of the window. It has the following methods: size(), title(), showFPS(), hideFPS().
The canvas object represents the rectangular interior of the window. It has the following methods: width(), height(), background(), font(), and putText().
The keyboard object represents the computer keyboard. It has several methods for finding out the most recently pressed key: isDown(), lastCharacter(), isBackspace(), key(), shift(), ctrl(), and alt(). The typematic (auto-repeat) feature can be turned on and off with typematicOn() and typematicOff().
The mouse object represents the mouse and the associated cursor symbol on the monitor. It has the following methods: x(), y(), Xchange(), Ychange(), button(), isAltDown(), isControlDown(), isMetaDown(), isShiftDown(), wheelClicks(), sprite(), and setCursor().
Each object in the Sprite class is a sprite. To create new Sprite objects, there are three versions of makeSprite(), as well as makeTiledSprite(), and makeButton(). A Sprite object has the following methods: addFrame(), pin(), framerate(), draw(), font(), putText(), setTiles(), defineSequence(), currSequence(), play(), restart(), setToFrame(), width(), height(), hide() show(), isShown(), position(), motion(), move(), x(), y(), xPixel(), yPixel(), nextX(), nextY(), xspeed(), yspeed(), rotate(), flipHorizontal(), flipVertical(), bounceIfCollidesWith(), stopIfCollidesWith(), checkIfCollidesWith(), pauseIfCollidesWith(), collided().
Each object in the Image class is a rectangular image. A Image object has the following methods: draw(), width(), height(), and transparent().
Each object in the Sound class is a sound or piece of music. A Sound object has the following methods: play(), loop(), and stop().
The Ucigame class contains the functionality of the other classes and objects. It also has several useful methods of its own: framerate(), actualFPS(), randomSeed(), random(), randomInt(), arrayOfAvailableFonts(), isAvailableFont(), startScene(), startTimer, and stopTimer(). There are also Ucigame methods that create objects: getImage(), getSound(), makeSprite(), makeTiledSprite(), and makeButton().
Every Ucigame has one window object named window. When the program is running as an applet in a browser window, the window is part of the web page.
Sets the width and height of the window's canvas. The entire window, including caption bar and borders, will be slightly larger. Values must be between 50 and 1000, inclusive. If values are invalid or window.size is not called, the windows width and height are 100. This method should only be called once, in setup(); Demo'd in: BallFollower.
Applets: method is ignored.
Sets the window's title text. If not called, the title text is "No Title". May be called multiple times. Demo'd in: BallFollower.
Applets: method is ignored.
Causes the current actual rate of frames per second to be displayed in the title text. Demo'd in: BallFollower.
Applets: frames per seconds will display in the browser's status bar (somewhat browser-dependent).
Removes the display of current frames per second from the title text.
Applets: removes the display from the status bar.
The canvas object represents the area in the window where the game's images appear.
These methods return the value of the game canvas's width and height. Demo'd in: BallFollower.
This method determines the color of the canvas's background. To actually set the background to that color, call the canvas.clear() method inside of draw(). The one parameter version of background() sets the background color to a shade of gray. The varible shade can range from 0 (black) to 128 (gray) to 255 (white). If shade is less than 0 or greater than 255, the method call has no effect. The default background color is white. See the about color page for more information about colors in Ucigame and computer graphics. Demo'd in: SpinIt.
The three parameter version background() can set the background to any color. See the about color page for more information about colors in Ucigame and computer graphics. Demo'd in: PushMe.
If background's parameter is a Image, then the background is set to that image, which will be displayed when canvas.clear() is called in draw(). Demo'd in: Pong.
Clears the canvas by setting all pixels to the specified color or to the colors of specified image. Typically canvas.clear() is called at the start of draw(). Demo'd in: BallFollower.
This method specifies the font to use in subsequent calls to canvas.putText(). Seethe about fonts page (coming soon!) for more information about fonts in Ucigame and computer graphics. The style parameter must be one of the following: PLAIN, BOLD, ITALIC, BOLDITALIC. Demo'd in: FontDemo.
Similar to the three parameter version of font(), and also sets the font color to the RGB value specified by the last three parameters. (These values must all be between 0 and 255, inclusive.) Demo'd in: MegaBounce.
Draws the specified text (which can be a string, such as "Press Here" or a number) on the canvas, using the canvas's current font. The upper left hand corner of text is located x pixels to the right and y pixels below the upper left hand corner of the canvas. Demo'd in: FontDemo.
Every Ucigame has one object named keyboard; the object's methods reveal the most recently pressed key.
This method indicates whether any of the specified keyboard keys is currently down. The values passed to this method should each be one of those listed here. This method is usually used inside the game's onKeyPress() method. For example:if (keyboard.isDown(keyboard.UP, keyboard.W))Demo'd in: Pong.
paddle.nextY(paddle.y() - 2);
Returns the value of the most recently pressed keyboard key. The value will be one of those listed here. Note that the escape key (Esc) is handled in a special way by Ucigame programs, and thus cannot be detected using keyboard.key(). If Esc is pressed without the Shift key down, the program immediately stops. If Esc is pressed with Shift, then the program is suspended; if can be restarted with another Shift-Esc combination.
Returns true if the Shift key was held down when the last key was pressed; false otherwise.
Returns true if the Ctrl key was held down when the last key was pressed; false otherwise.
Returns true if the Alt key was held down when the last key was pressed; false otherwise.
These methods turn on and off the typematic (auto-repeat) feature. When typematic is on (the default), a key which is held down will cause onKeyPress() to be called multiple times. When typematic is off, holding a key down is only a single key press. These methods apply to all keyboard keys. Demo'd in: ClickAndClack and TypeAway.
The values passed to these methods should each be one of those listed here. These methods turn on and off the typematic (auto-repeat) feature for specific keys, without changing the typemetic status of other keys. Demo'd in: TypeAway and BounceHouse.
Returns a String containing the last "regular" keyboard character pressed, that is, letters, digits, and punctuation, but not the function keys and arrow keys. The returned value is affected by the Shift and Caps Lock keys. Once this function is called, subsequent calls will return the empty string ("") until the user presses another key or the operating system's auto-repeat feature generates another key press. This method is not affected by keyboard.typematicOn() or keyboard.typematicOff(); Thus, inprintln(keyboard.lastCharacter());the second line will print the empty string. Demo'd in: TypeAway.
Returns true if string is a one character String containing a "backspace" character. Demo'd in: TypeAway.
Every Ucigame has one object named mouse; the object's methods reveal the location of the mouse and the topmost sprite under the mouse.
Returns the current x and y position of the mouse, relative to the upper left hand corner of the game window, which is at position (0, 0). Demo'd in: BallFollower.
When the mouse is being dragged, these methods return the difference between the current and previous x and y positions of the mouse. Demo'd in: MouseTrap.
Returns the value of the mouse button involved when the mouse is pressed, released, moved, or dragged. The return value will be one of: mouse.NONE, mouse.LEFT, mouse.MIDDLE, mouse.RIGHT. Demo'd in: MouseTrap.
These methods return true or false depending on the state of the corresponding keyboard key when the mouse is pressed, released, moved, or dragged. Demo'd in: MouseTrap.
Returns the number of clicks as of the last time the wheel (a special kind of middle mouse button) was rotated. A negative value means the mouse wheel was rotated up/away from the user, and a positive value means the mouse wheel was rotated down/towards the user. The value is usually -1 or 1. Demo'd in: MouseTrap.
Returns the topmost Sprite object under the current mouse position. The return value will be null if the mouse position is not over a sprite. The value returned from mouse.sprite() can be compared with sprite objects using ==. Example code:Sprite thing1, thing2, thing3;Demo'd in: ClickAndClack.
void onMousePressed()
if (mouse.sprite() == thing1)
// do something
if (mouse.sprite() == null)
// do something else
Changes the cursor to one of the standard system cursors. Legal values for cursorType are: mouse.CROSSHAIR, mouse.DEFAULT, mouse.HAND, mouse.MOVE, mouse.TEXT, mouse.WAIT, mouse.N_RESIZE, mouse.NE_RESIZE, mouse.E_RESIZE, mouse.SE_RESIZE, mouse.S_RESIZE, mouse.SW_RESIZE, mouse.W_RESIZE, mouse.NW_RESIZE. Demo'd in: FoiledAgain.
Changes the cursor to the image supplied. The size of the cursor is determined by the operating system, and the image will be scaled if necessary. In practice 32 pixels by 32 pixels works well. The xPos and yPos values indicate the position of the cursor's "hot spot," relative to the upper left hand corner of the image. Demo'd in: FoiledAgain.
A sprite is an image that can be moved around in the game window. Ucigame uses many kinds of sprites: they can be stationary; they can cycle between multiple images, and they can act like buttons and be sensitive to mouse clicks. Sprites can have text written on them, and multiple sprites can be "pinned" together so that when one moves the others follow.
There are several ways to control the movement of a sprite, and the flexibility can be confusing. Each Sprite object holds some position and movement related information:
Note that currentX, currentY, nextX, and nextY all refer to the sprite's upper left hand corner. The main reason for keeping track of current and next positions is to facilitate the built-in collision detection. Here is how various Sprite methods use and update this information:
In Ucigame sprites are objects in the Sprite class. In the following, we assume that a reference to a Sprite called sprite1 has been defined:
Sprite sprite1;
This makeSprite method takes an already loaded Image object, and creates a Sprite with the same width and height as the image. Usually used for creating sprites with a single image. Demo'd in: BallFollower.
This makeSprite method takes an already loaded Image object, and creates a Sprite with the specified width and height. If width is larger than image's width, and/or height is larger than image's height, then the image will be tiled to cover the complete sprite. Demo'd in: FlippedOut.
This makeSprite method creates a sprite with the specified width and height, but with no image(s). Usually used when multiple images will be added later with addFrame() or addFrames(). Demo'd in: TimeTrial.
Use makeTiledSprite() to create a sprite which is a matrix of tiles. Each tile has the specified width and height. The matrix can have any positive number of columns and rows. The matrix entries are filled in with setTiles().
The Sprite class has four constructors, which correspond to the three makeSprite() methods and the makeTiledSprite() method described above:
- Sprite(image) Demo'd in: MegaBounce via a call to super() in a subclass.
- Sprite(image, width, height)
- Sprite(width, height)
- Sprite(numCols, numRows, tileWidth, tileHeight)
A sprite can have multiple frames, or images, assigned to it with addFrame(). Each time the sprite is displayed on the canvas with draw(), it will automatically cycle to the next frame. image is an already loaded Image object. The x and y parameters specify the upper left hand corner of a rectangle in the image that will be sprite1's next frame. The width and height of that rectangle are same as sprite1's width and height.
This method is a variant of addFrame() which allows multiple frames from one Image object to be added to sprite1 with one method call. For instance, three frames might be added withsprite1.addFrames(image, 10, 20, 85, 100, 8, 52, 55, 0);Demo'd in: TimeTrial.
This method can only be used if sprite1 was created with makeTiledSprite. The method takes a frame from image (with an upper left hand corner as specified by x and y and with width and height as specified in makeTiledSprite()), and puts that frame into one or more of sprite1's tiles as specified by the col and row pairs. Note that counting columns and rows starts from zero, and that position (0, 0) is in the matrix's upper left hand corner. Here is an example, which references a 50 pixel by 50 pixel image called colorblocks.png.
Image cb = getImage("colorblocks.png");The resulting bkg will look like this:
Sprite bkg = makeTiledSprite(4, 3, 25, 25);
bkg.setTiles(cb, 0, 0, /* red */
0,0, 1,0, 2,0, 3,0);
bkg.setTiles(cb, 25, 0, /* blue */
0,1, 1,1);
bkg.setTiles(cb, 25, 25, /* black */
0,2, 1,2, 2,2, 3,2);
bkg.setTiles(cb, 0, 25,, /* green */
Note that the tile at column 2, row 1 was not set to an image. On this web page it appears white; in a game it would be transparent.
Pins sprite2 on top of sprite1, which means that sprite2 will be drawn whenever sprite1.draw() is performed. The upper left hand corner of sprite2 is located x pixels to the right and y pixels below the upper left hand corner of sprite1; thus sprite2 moves when sprite1 is moved. Any number of other sprites can be pinned to a sprite. A sprite cannot be pinned to itself. If a sprite is hidden, all sprites pinned to it are hidden. A sprite can be pinned to multiple sprites; thus, 10, 10);, 50, 60);, 20, 70); is legal. If sprite2 is pinned to sprite1 more than once, the second call to pin() effectively "re-pins" sprite2 to a new location. Thus, 10, 10);, 50, 60); is legal, but sprite2 will only appear once, offset (50, 60) from sprite1. Demo'd in: BounceHouse, SpinIt.
Sets a framerate for this sprite; Ucigame will try to change the sprite's current frame number times per second, although there is no guarantee that it will be successful. This method has no effect if number is negative or greater than the framerate specified for the entire game. Demo'd in: TimeTrial.
Causes the sprite, and any other sprites pinned to this sprite, to be drawn on the canvas, unless the sprite is hidden. Can only be called inside the game class's draw() method. Demo'd in: BallFollower.
Makes sprite1 not hidden; that is, normally visible. Demo'd in: BounceHouse.
Makes sprite1 hidden, which means that it (and any sprites pinned to it) will not display when sprite1.draw() is invoked. Demo'd in: BounceHouse, LunchTimer.
Moves the sprite so that its upper left hand corner is at the specified position, relative to the upper left hand corner of the canvas. Demo'd in: Pong.
Sets the x and y motion amounts (moveX and moveY) for this sprite. See move(). Demo'd in: Pong.
Sets the x and y motion amount for this sprite. Note that positive values represent rightwards and downwards motion; negative values represent leftwards and upwards motion. (Same as the two parameter version of motion()).
Multiplies the sprite's x and y motion amounts by the specified amounts. For instance, if a sprite's x motion and y motion amounts are both 10, after motion(0.5, 3.2, MULTIPLY) is called the x motion amount will be 5.0, and the y motion amount will be 32.0.
Increments the sprite's x and y motion amounts by the specified amounts. For instance, if a sprite's x motion and y motion amounts are both 10, after motion(0.5, 3.2, ADD) is called the x motion amount will be 10.5, and the y motion amount will be 13.2. Demo'd in: BounceHouse.
Increments, for the next call of sprite1.move() only, the sprite's x and y motion amounts by the specified amounts. For instance, if a sprite's x motion and y motion amounts are both 10, after motion(0.5, 3.2, ADDONCE) is called the x motion amount will be 10.5, and the y motion amount will be 13.2 for the next sprite1.move(); afterwards the motion amounts will revert to 10 and 10. Demo'd in: MouseTrap.
Moves the sprite by its x and y motion amounts. Typically this method is called once for every moving sprite, before collision detection. Demo'd in: Pong.
These methods return the x and y values of the sprite's upper left hand corner (relative to the upper left hand corner of the canvas). Pixel versions return a value rounded to the nearest integer; sometimes useful since pixel locations are always integers.
Sets the sprite's next x and y positions (relative to the upper left hand corner of the canvas). These methods are usually used instead of motion() and move(), but like move() they are called before collision detection and before draw(). Calling these method sets the sprite's x and y motion amounts to 0. Demo'd in: BallFollower, Pong.
Rotates the sprite clockwise by the number of degrees specified. The center of rotation is the center of the sprite. Any sprites pinned to sprite1 are also rotated around the same center of rotation. Note that rotation occurs immediately before sprite1.draw() is executed, no matter when the call to rotate() is made (as long as rotate() is called before draw()). This means that rotation does not affect collision detection; collision detection is computed on the unrotated sprite. (Defined as a feature, but could well be considered a bug.) After draw() is called on a sprite any rotation is removed; thus if a sprite should be rotated in every frame rotate() must be called before every draw(). Demo'd in: FlippedOut, SpinIt.
Same as the one parameter version of rotate(), except that the center of rotation is x pixels to the right and y pixels down from the upper left hand corner of the sprite.
These methods flip the sprite around its center. flipHorizontal() flips the sprite around a vertical line running through the center of the sprite. flipVertical() flips the sprite around a horizontal line running through the center of the sprite. After either method is called on a sprite any flipping is removed; thus if a sprite should be flipped in every frame flipHorizontal() and/or flipVertical() must be called before every draw(). Demo'd in: FlippedOut.
For an animated sprite, defines a sequence of one or more animation frames, which can later be cycled through while the sprite is displayed. The sequenceName cannot be "All" as the name "All" is reserved to refer to the sequence of all frames in the order they were specified with addFrame() or addFrames(). The indices specify the frames in the sequence. A frame's index is based on the order it was added to the sprite with addFrame() or addFrames(); the first frame has index 0. A frame index may be repeated in the list of frame indices. Demo'd in: Arrownaut.
Returns the name of the sprite's current sequence. If no squence has been specified (with play()), the the name of the default sequence "All" is returned. Demo'd in: Arrownaut.
Sets the sprite's animation sequence to the series of frames indicated by sequenceName. If sequenceName is different than the sprite's current sequence, then the newly specified sequence of frames is started. Calling play() with sequenceName equal to the current sequence does not restart the animation loop at the first frame; use restart() to achieve that. If the ONCE option is used, then the specified sequence is played through once, and when it is complete the sprite shows the last frame in the sequence. If ONCE is not used, then the sprite cycles from the last frame in the sequence back to the first one. Demo'd in: Arrownaut.
These convenience methods are the same, 1, sequenceNameLoop), 1, sequenceNameLoop, ONCE)
Sets the sprite's animation sequence to the series of frames indicated by sequenceNameRepeat, and plays that sequence times times. The sprite then switches to the sequenceNameLoop sequence. If the ONCE option is used, sequenceNameLoop is played through once, and when it is complete the sprite shows the last frame in that sequence. If ONCE is not used, then the sprite cycles from the last frame in that sequence back to the first one. Demo'd in: Arrownaut.
For an animated sprite, sets the next frame to display (when sprite1.draw() is next called) to the specified frame in the current sequence. Note that the first frame is numbered 0, and for a sequence with n frames the last frame is n-1. This method has no effect when sprite1 is a button, or when frameNumber is less than 0 or greater than the highest frame number.
Same as sprite1.setToFrame(0). Demo'd in: Arrownaut.
These methods return the sprite's width and height.
These methods return the sprite's current x change and y change amounts.
This methods tests whether sprite1 overlaps with one or more other sprite objects listed as parameters. The built-in non-moving off-screen sprites TOPEDGE, BOTTOMEDGE, LEFTEDGE, and RIGHTEDGE can also be used as parameters. Specifically, the sprites' next x and y positions are compared, not the current ones. If more than one sprite is specified in the parameter list, the method stops checking after the first overlap is detected. Note that if PIXELPERFECT is not specified as the final argument, all overlaps and collisions in these methods and the other xxxIfCollidesWith() methods are based on the entire rectangular sprite, and not on the possibly smaller visible (non-transparent) figure within the image. If the PIXELPERFECT option is used, then a collision requires the overlap of the two sprites' visible (non-transparent) areas. If there is an overlap, Ucigame changes the position and speed of sprite1 so that it "bounces." Demo'd in: Pong.
Similar to the bounceIfCollidesWith() method, except that sprite1 stops instead of bouncing. Stopping means that sprite1 moves as far as possible without overlapping another sprite, and then its x and y motion amounts are set to 0. Demo'd in: Pong.
Similar to the stopIfCollidesWith() method, except that sprite1 pauses instead of stopping. Pausing means that sprite1 moves as far as possible without overlapping sprite2, and its x and y motion amounts are unchanged.
Like the other xxxIfCollidesWith() methods, this method tests whether sprite1 and another sprite will overlap in the next x and y positions. However, this method doesn't change the position or motion of either sprite. The programmer can then test whether an overlap occurred with collided() and code the desired behavior. Demo'd in: FlippedOut.
This method returns a boolean value of true or false, depending on whether a collision was detected in the immediately preceeding xxxIfCollidesWith() call. Use this no-argument version if the xxxIfCollidedWith call specified PIXELPERFECT. Demo'd in: FlippedOut.
This method returns a boolean value of true or false, depending on whether a collision was detected in the immediately preceeding xxxIfCollidesWith() call on the specified side or sides of sprite1. TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, and RIGHT refer to the sides of sprite1. One or more of the four variables can be used in the method call. For example:
if (ball.collided(LEFT))
if (ball.collided(TOP, BOTTOM))
println("Top or Bottom");
This method specifies the font to use in subsequent calls to sprite1.putText(). Seethe about fonts page (coming soon!) for more information about fonts in Ucigame and computer graphics. The style parameter must be one of the following: PLAIN, BOLD, ITALIC, BOLDITALIC. Demo'd in: PushMe.
Similar to the three parameter version of font(), and also sets the font color to the RGB value specified by the last three parameters. (These values must all be between 0 and 255, inclusive.) Demo'd in: MegaBounce.
Draws the specified text (which can be a string, such as "Press Here" or an int) on sprite1, using the sprite's current font (and font color, if specified). The lower left hand corner of text is located x pixels to the right and y pixels below the upper left hand corner of sprite1. Any part of text that lies outside the sprite is clipped (not displayed). Demo'd in: PushMe.
Buttons in Ucigame are made from Sprites created with the makeButton() method. A button has the following properties:
The makeButton method takes an already loaded Image object, and creates a button Sprite with the specified name. A button can be composed of one or three images, all of which are in the image object. If three images are supplied, then the first is the "at rest" appearance of the button, the second is the "mouse over" image, and the third is the "mouse down" image. The image can have one of three shapes:When the player clicks on the button, Ucigame calls a method called onClicknameString(). For instance, if nameString = "Start" then the method called is onClickStart(). Demo'd in: PushMe.
- width = width and height = height, in which case image contains one image;
- width = width * 3 and height = height, in which case image contains three images;
- width = width and height = height * 3, in which case image contains three images;
An image is a rectangular array of pixels that is read in from the disk. One color from the disk image can be designated as transparent, which means that pixels of that color in the image will not appear on the canvas.
In Ucigame images are objects in the Image class. In the following, we assume that a reference to a Image called image1 has been defined:
Image image1;
This method reads in the specified image file from disk. The file can be in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format. Since this version of getImage() does not specify a transparent pixel color, no pixels will be transparent. Demo'd in: Pong.
Reads in an image file from disk, and makes transparent all pixels with shade of grey specified by shade. Demo'd in: PushMe.
Reads in an image file from disk, and makes transparent all pixels with the color specified by the last three parameters. Demo'd in: BallFollower.
These methods return the width and height of the image.
These methods set the image's transparent color to the specified shade or red green blue color.
Draws the image so that its upper left hand corner is at the specified position, relative to the upper left hand corner of the canvas. Can only be called inside the game class's draw() method.
An Sound object can contain music, sound effects, or any kind of sound recording, of any length. Many file formats and recording formats exist. Ucigame can play sound files in certain uncompressed formats (the exact possibilities seem to vary from computer to computer) and in the MP3 format, thanks to the JavaZoon JLayer library included in Ucigame. Multiple sound files can be played at the same time.
In the following, we assume that a reference to a Sound called sound1 has been defined:
Sound sound1;
This method reads in the specified sound file from disk. If the file is in a format that cannot be played, subsequent calls to play() or loop() will have no effect. Demo'd in: FlippedOut.
Plays the sound once, from beginning to end. Demo'd in: FlippedOut.
Plays the sound continuously; when the end is reached it starts over. Demo'd in: FlippedOut.
Stops the sound if it is currently playing (or looping). Demo'd in: FlippedOut.
This method sets the desired framerate; Ucigame will try to refresh the window number times per second, although there is no guarantee that it will be successful. This method has no effect if number is negative or greater than 1000. In practice, most monitors can only be refreshed between 70 and 100 times per second. For most games, a framerate of 20 to 30 frames per second is optimal. Demo'd in: BallFollower, FlippedOut.
The method returns the number of times the window has been refreshed in the last second.
Ucigame can generate "pseudorandom" numbers. Pseudorandom numbers appear to be random, but are actually created by a specific formula, which uses a starting number called a seed. The same pseudorandom numbers will be generated by calls to random() if the same seed is used in randomSeed(). If this method is not used, then calls to random() and randomInt() will return different values each time the game is run.
Returns a random number (with a fractional part) greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than limit. If limit is not positive, this method returns 0.0. Demo'd in LunchTimer.
Returns a random number (with a fractional part) greater than or equal to lowerlimit and less than or equal to upperlimit. If upperlimit is less than lowerlimit, this method returns lowerlimit Demo'd in: ClickAndClack.
Returns a random whole number greater than or equal to 0 and less than limit. If limit is not positive, this method returns 0.
Returns a random whole number greater than or equal to lowerlimit and less than upperlimit. If upperlimit is less than lowerlimit, this method returns lowerlimit
This method is used to find all fonts available on the computer. Demo'd in: FontDemo.
Returns true if the specified font is installed and available on the computer, and false otherwise. The font name is not case sensitive. Demo'd in: BounceHouse, PushMe.
Defines a new scene for the game. A scene is frequently part or all of a level. Calling startScene("SceneName") has the following effects:Demo'd in: PongWithScenes.
- The current method completes normally.
- If the program has a method called startSceneName with no parameters and returning void, then that method is performed.
- Every time the window needs to be repainted, the method drawSceneName is called (instead of draw()). This method must take no parameters and return void.
- If the user presses a keyboard key and there is a method called onKeyPressSceneName with no parameters and returning void, then that method is invoked.
Executing this method causes the method timerNameStringTimer() to be run milliseconds milliseconds later, and every milliseconds milliseconds afterwards. The timerNameStringTimer() method must be defined as public, must return void, and must not take any parameters. Demo'd in: BounceHouse, LunchTimer.
Cancels subsequent executions of the timerNameStringTimer() method. Demo'd in: BounceHouse, LunchTimer.
Prints information on the console. The println version adds a new line at the end. information can be composed of multiple fields joined with +, for example:println("The value of x is " + x);Demo'd in: FontDemo, ClickAndClack.
The following Ucigame methods create objects. They are defined above.
A number of methods, if coded by the programmer in the class that extends Ucigame, have special roles.
This method is performed once, at the start of the game. It's a good place to set up the window, load images, and create sprites.
The draw method is called every time the window needs to be repainted--either because of the requested framerate of because part or all of the window has been exposed.
This method should be coded if the game needs to be alerted when the user presses a key on the keyboard. If one or more keys is down, onKeyPress is called once per frame, just before draw(). Note that if the typematic or auto-repeat feature is on, which it is by default, and a key is held down and not released, the method will be invoked multiple times. Demo'd in: Pong, Tank.
This method should be coded if the game needs to be alerted when the user releases a key on the keyboard that was held down If one or more keys is released, onKeyRelease is called once per frame, just before draw(). Demo'd in: Tank.
The methods are called in response to various mouse events. onMousePressed() is called when a mouse button is pressed down. onMouseReleased() is called when a mouse button is released; Demo'd in: FontDemo. onMouseMoved() is called when the mouse is moved and no button is being held down. onMouseDragged() is called when the mouse is moved and a button is being held down. onMouseDragged() is called when the mouse is moved and a button is being held down. All are demo'd in: ClickAndClack. onMouseWheelMoved() is called when the mouse wheel is rotated; Demo'd in: MegaBounce and MouseTrap.