This demo illustrates a number of Ucigame features, including
sound and sprite rotation.
The art in images/char9.png and
images/blocks1.png comes from
Ari Feldman's marvelous
collection of sprites.
Keyboard controls:
||||||||||||||||||||| import ucigame.*; public class FlippedOut extends Ucigame { Sprite cat; Sprite block; Sprite tiledBackground; Sound violinSolo, pianoSolo; Sound bump; int catX, catY; // cat status variables int catSpeed = 2; int catRotation = 0; boolean headedRight = true; boolean upsideDown = false; int blockRotation = 0; public void setup() { window.size(250, 250); window.title("Flipped Out"); framerate(30); canvas.background(50, 150, 150); cat = makeSprite(105, 60); cat.addFrames(getImage("images/char9.png", 0), 0, 70, // cat has six frames 130, 70, 260, 70, 390, 70, 0, 203, 130, 203); catX = 0; catY = canvas.height()/2 - cat.height()/2; cat.position(catX, catY); cat.framerate(10); block = makeSprite(32, 32); block.addFrame(getImage("images/blocks1.png", 0), 240, 138); block.position(200, 118); tiledBackground = makeSprite(getImage("images/tilableBackground.png"), 250, 50); tiledBackground.position(0, 200); bump = getSound("sounds/Windows XP Battery Low.wav"); violinSolo = getSound("sounds/paganini-caprice13.wav"); pianoSolo = getSound("sounds/Schumann.mp3"); violinSolo.loop(); } public void draw() { canvas.clear(); tiledBackground.draw(); // Move cat, reversing direction at edge catX = catX + catSpeed; if (catX + cat.width() >= canvas.width()) { headedRight = false; catSpeed = -catSpeed; } else if (catX <= 0) { headedRight = true; catSpeed = -catSpeed; // change negative to positive } // if cat hits the top, flip it upside down if (catY <= 0) upsideDown = true; // If cat is up in the air, move it down if (catY < canvas.height() - cat.height()) catY = catY + 1; else upsideDown = false; cat.position(catX, catY); cat.checkIfCollidesWith(block); if (cat.collided()); block.rotate(blockRotation); block.draw(); if (!headedRight) cat.flipHorizontal(); if (upsideDown) cat.flipVertical(); cat.rotate(catRotation); cat.draw(); } // UP give cat a boost // R rotate cat // B rotate block // SPACE restore cat and block orientation // PAUSE stops the violin solo // HOME starts the violin solo from the beginning with loop // SHIFT starts the violin solo from the beginning, plays once // 1 stops the piano solo // 2 starts the piano solo from the beginning with loop // 3 starts the piano solo from the beginning, plays once public void onKeyPress() { if (keyboard.key() == keyboard.UP) catY = catY - 20; if (keyboard.key() == keyboard.R) catRotation = catRotation + 5; if (keyboard.key() == keyboard.B) blockRotation = blockRotation + 5; if (keyboard.key() == keyboard.SPACE) { catRotation = 0; blockRotation = 0; } if (keyboard.key() == keyboard.PAUSE) violinSolo.stop(); if (keyboard.key() == keyboard.HOME) violinSolo.loop(); if (keyboard.key() == keyboard.SHIFT); if (keyboard.key() == keyboard.K1) pianoSolo.stop(); if (keyboard.key() == keyboard.K2) pianoSolo.loop(); if (keyboard.key() == keyboard.K3); } } |